With Autopilot, you’ll get the lowest fare for your flights, even after they’re booked.
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Did you know?
LFG ensures you always secure the lowest fare on your flight, no matter when you book.
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LFG saves you money on your upcoming flights by finding lower fares for the same ticket.
As soon as your flight price drops, Autopilot gets you airline credit for the difference.
Autopilot never changes your flights, seats or cabin. The only thing that changes is the price of the ticket.
It’s free to track your upcoming flights. You only pay a small commission on the savings you earn.
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Link your inbox to seamlessly import all your upcoming flights. Manual options are available.
Autopilot automatically tracks your flight prices in real time.
If your flight price drops, LFG gets you an airline credit for the difference.
LFG also tracks flights booked with miles, available exclusively to Pro users
LFG also tracks flights booked with miles, available exclusively to Pro users
Autopilot only charges 25% commission on savings. Link a credit card to start saving.
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Lowest Fare Guarantee will soon support award tickets, helping you save miles on your upcoming flights.
Customize your seat preferences, and we’ll automatically move you to your preferred seat if it becomes available.
Receive customized guides to navigating airport security, lounges and more based on your status and credit cards in your wallet.
Lowest Fare Guarantee supports cash tickets already booked directly with American Airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines for all cabins except basic economy. Awards tickets can also be tracked if you’re a Pro subscriber. Flights purchased via a third party are not currently supported.
There are three ways to import reservations into Autopilot. You can link Gmail accounts to automatically import eligible flight reservations. You can also forward flight confirmation emails to trips@withautopilot.com. Finally, you can manually import reservations using your name and airline confirmation number.
No! Autopilot only looks for lower fares within your fare product. Note that while you’ll stay within your purchased cabin, the actual fare class (the letter associated with your fare, like J, Y or K) may change. This could affect upgrade priority for some elite travelers.
Absolutely! You can import reservations for your friends and family members. Just note that airline credits will be issued in the name of the traveler — and the platform fee will be charged to the card linked on the associated Autopilot account.
Sure thing. After you link a credit card, you can turn off the Lowest Fare Guarantee feature on the upcoming reservations page.
Well, that means you get more credit! Autopilot generates credits each time the fare drops by $20 or more.
Autopilot is designed by travelers, for travelers.
We’ve all been there, struggling to decide whether now’s the right time to book that flight or where to go when arriving at the airport. When we set out to build Autopilot, we started with a grand vision to streamline the post-booking travel experience.
We’re starting with Lowest Fare Guarantee because this feature can immediately save you money, but we’re excited to keep growing from here.